Would be great for live mixing, as the hub of a small project studio, or drum, vocal or keyboard submixing. Soundtracs quality is a cut above the usual, and gear from this era is a cut above the cheaply-made modern stuff! Live or studio mixer with Great mic pres, nice 3 band Eq, 2 aux sends.

Spec: - 10 x XLR / 1/4' jack mono mic inputs with insert jacks 2 x stereo 1/4' jack input channels ( left & right) 2 x aux stereo channels 3 band EQ on Mic channels 2 band sweep EQ on stereo channels 48v Phantom power 2 x XLR main stereo outputs 2 x 1/4 jack outputs for Group outs 1 & 2 2 track RCA stereo inputs and outputs Headphone socket. Download lagu ya sudahlah bondan prakoso mp3. Mix je koriscen iskljucivo u studiju, posto se studio renovirao ovaj legendarni mix ide na prodaju jer nemam vise mesta British made Soundtracs mixing desks are highly respected quality mixers and this model is both suitable for Studio or LIve use.

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