Football manager 2017 goals
Football manager 2017 goals

Suddenly players with for instance 10 goals in 6 games will fail to net for the next 6 games and your winning green dots on the fixture list will be replaced by yellows and reds as your previously free scoring team forgets how to play! Struggling through is the best way to deal with it I find and just hope one comes of a knee or backside and then you are off and running again.

football manager 2017 goals

One of my FM17 bugbears when players like Lukaku, Isak and Barbosa for me will be banging them in with the team winning 4-0s, 3-0's and the like when an unexpected draw or defeat will bring a strikers / teams goal scoring run to a shuddering halt. But if I see any reference to a goal drought about any of my players, unfortunately I need to leave him out for a few weeks as I know he isn't going to score. There are other reasons from a tactical perspective as to why a striker isn't scoring.

football manager 2017 goals

It's an over exaggeration in the FM17 match engine but unfortunately it's true. If your striker has concerns such as 'worried his lack of goals is affecting his confidence' then it's virtually impossible for him to score anything but the simplest of chances.

Football manager 2017 goals