DEF-3817 MODEL: Drawing an arc while holding the shift button down caused an incorrect display of the arc.DEF-3602 MODEL/CRASH: Archicad crashed when editing slabs while the MVO was set to eliminate the edges.DEF-3494 EDIT: The Renovation Filter settings changed when a schedule view was placed on a layout.

DEF-3428 MODEL/CRASH: Archicad crashed when slabs’ lines were hidden or eliminated by Model View Options.DEF-3399 CRASH: Archicad crashed when the parameter transfer eye dropper was used on columns with complex profiles in sections/elevations.DEF-3397 FILE/IFC/EXPORT: Openings were exported to IFC regardless of their renovation status and visibility.DEF-3218 CRASH: Archicad crashed when converting Issues to the old markups.DEF-2994 USER INTERFACE/FREEZE: Archicad was slow to display the pet palette for drawings.